The section of the book is designed to be a quick reference to some of the most common commands or actions for Git and GitHub.
# Set the name that is identifiable for credit when reviewing version history
git config --global "github-username"
# Set an Email address that will be associated with each history marker
git config --global "github-email"
# Set automatic command line coloring for Git for easy reviewing
git config --global color.ui auto
# Initialise a directory as a Git repo
git init
# Clone a repo from the URL
git clone <url>
Staging and Commits
# Show which files are staged
git status
# Stage file or pattern
git add <file-or-pattern>
# Remove all changes
git reset
# Show diff of changed files
git diff
# Show diff of staged files
git diff --staged
# Commit staged changes w/ message
git commit -m "Your commit message"
# List branches (* indicates current branch)
git branch
# Checkout to branch
git checkout <branch>
# Create a new branch
git branch <branch>
# Create new branch and checkout to it
git checkout -b <branch>
# Merge incoming branch into current branch
git merge <incoming-branch>
Inspecting and Compare
# Show commits from the current branch's history
git log
# Show commits on branch-A not on branch-B
git log <branch-B>..<branch-A>
# Show commits that modified a given file, even across renames
git log --follow <file>
# Show diff of what is in branch-A that is not on branch-B
git diff <branchB>..<branchA>
# Display any Git object in human-readable format
git diff <SHA>
Remotes and Sharing
# Add Git URL as remote
git remote add <remote> <url>
# Retrieve changes from remote without integrating changes
git fetch <remote>
# Fetch and merge changes from a remote branch into your local branch
git pull <remote>
# Transmit changes from local branch into a remote branch
git push <remote> <branch>
# Set current branch to track branch at remote
git push -u <remote> <branch>
# Merge a remote branch into local branch
git merge <remote-name>/<branch>
# Apply commits from the current branch on top of the new-base-branch.
git rebase <new-base-branch>
# Interactively apply commits from the current branch on top of the new-base-branch.
git rebase -i <new-base-branch>
# Clear all staged changes and rewrite working tree from the specified commit-hash
git reset --hard <commit-hash>
# Save modified and staged changes in stash
git stash
# Show all stashes in stack-order
git stash list
# Pop stash from top of stash-stack
git stash pop
# Drop stash from top of stash-stack
git stash drop