Task 2 : Templated Triple

Having learnt about classes, templates and concepts I want you to reimplement your Triple class so that it behaves more like a standard type and has a more sophisticated implementation and interface. Similar to Assignment 1, you will submit using a pull request on GitHub to this repo.


  • Must be templated for a single type T
  • A way to add two points of different T
  • A way to subtract two points of different T
  • A way to multiply a point by a scalar of different T
  • A way to divide a point by a scalar of different T
  • A way to be print a formatted output using std::cout
  • Using concepts ensure that T satisfies only:
    • std::integral
  • or
    • std::floating_point
  • or
    • T and U support
      • T + U
      • T - U
      • U * T
      • T / U
    • and doesn't support
      • is_pointer
      • is_reference
      • is_enum etc.
  • and
    • T supports << to an std::ostream

Note: Let me know if the concept requirements are confusing


  • A way to be created using input from std::cin
  • Allow three different type parameter; say T, U and V for the member variables while still maintaining the base requirements [hard]


You can use Godbolt or bpt to build and test your struct. Once you have created your implementation:

  • Clone this repo using git clone https://github.com/MonashDeepNeuron/HPP.git.
  • Create a new branch using git checkout -b triple/<your-name>.
  • Create a folder in the /submissions directory with your name.
  • Create a folder with the name of this task.
  • Copy your mini project into this directory (bpt setup, cmake scripts etc.) with a README.md or comment in the code on how to run the program (verify it still works). There is a sample header file in /templates that you can use.
  • Go to https://github.com/MonashDeepNeuron/HPP/pulls and click 'New pull request'.
  • Change the branches in the drop down so that your branch is going into main and `Create new pull request.
  • Give the pull request a title and briefly describe what you were able to implement and any struggles you had.
  • On the right side-panel, under the 'Assignees' section, click the cog and assign me.
  • Click 'Create pull request' and I'll take it from there.

Note: If you created a GodBolt instance, put the link in a comment at the top of the file (under your copy comments). This is generated by clicking the share button in the top-right-most corner of the webpage and clicking the 'short link' option.