
MDN Ethical Values Statement

Monash DeepNeuron is a student-driven team that seeks to create user-friendly solutions using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and High-Performance Computing (HPC). Over the recent years there has been exponential growth with these emerging technologies, however Monash DeepNeuron acknowledges its capacity to inflict harm if there are no checks and balances in place to ensure that our projects are safe for the community. We uphold ourselves to unwavering ethical standards, to ensure accountability of our members, and accessibility for our users. As a student-run organisation who specialises in this advancing world of technology, ethics are essential to creating a safe environment for potential to thrive, but also for outcomes that will benefit the greater good. Our professional ethics include:


To maintain a high standard of personal conduct, we ensure that our team makes a vow to never do harm, and create something that will not ultimately benefit the community at large. We let our decisions be dictated by the needs of our users, and not for personal advantage. This includes considerations of inclusivity, accessibility, impartiality and objectivity.


To have consideration towards others, whether they are fellow members of the team or for the public’s interests at heart. We actively aim to foster trust, confidence and consideration from each other and to the public. This includes considerations of human agency, privacy and personal data collection and fairness to prevent prejudice or discrimination bias in our projects.


To act dependably and cultivate trust in our organisation by complying with high ethical standards and consistently document progress on projects. Due to the emergence of advancing technology, we ensure that there is accountability and oversight throughout the development stages of the process, to ensure security checks and regulations. Being responsible with confidential information, and being transparent with our practices.


To educate and promote the world of AI to the public in a digestible and accessible manner, so as to improve people’s perception towards emerging technologies. Seeking out and participating in discourse and discussions concerning the topic of AI, and keeping informed about opportunities, risks, and benefits.