
Synchronisation is the task of coordinating multiple processes (or threads) to join up or handshake at a certain point, in order to reach an agreement or commit to a certain sequence of action. This is important so that the different threads/processes you spawn in the parallel region don't contradict each other and corrupt your code.

Race Condition

A race condition is one of the most popular forms of this synchronisation corruption. It's essentially when your threads are in a "race" against each other to access a particular resource (eg. an int variable's value) and the loser's access/update to that resource is lost.

Instead of your threads fighting each other, you want them to work together perfectly synchronised i.e. more like an F1 pitstop crew than a toxic office place.

Let's start with this simple program:

We purposefully added the following code within the program:
- The sleep() calls allow thread switching in the middle of function calls.
- The silly variable assignments in increment() mimic the register.
- All functions are sharing a global counter variable.

Note that:
- Even if we remove all of the sleep() and the variable assignments,
the error can still occur by chance.

What should be the desired output?
What is the actual output?
#include <omp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

float sleep_time = 0.1;
int counter = 0;                                    // Sharing across the program

int get_value() {
    sleep(sleep_time);                              // This will cause thread switching
    printf("Current Counter = %d\n", counter);
    return counter;

void increment() {
    int temp = counter;                             // Load counter to register
    sleep(sleep_time);                              // This will cause thread switching
    temp++;                                         // Increment the register
    counter = temp;                                 // Store back to the variable

    printf("Incremented counter to %d\n", counter);

int main() {
#pragma omp parallel for
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    return 0;

Single Thread

Running the program using 1 thread:


The output should look something like this:

1 thread counter

The program works great. No corruption at all.

  • This is because we only used 1 single thread.
  • The program is just a serial program without any parallelism.
  • sleep() calls simply put the thread to sleep, that same thread will go to sleep, wake up, and continue the execution.

Multiple Threads


Running the program using 2 threads may give us this output:

Note: This is just one possible output.

alt text

What is happening here?

  • We are using 2 threads.
  • Both threads are trying to access the global variable counter at the same time (roughly).
  • During the time when 1 thread is sleeping, the other thread may increment the shared counter.
  • The 2 threads simply go on their way and not coordinate with each other.

This is what a Race Condition is. A race condition occurs when two or more threads can access shared data and they try to change it at the same time.

How to prevent race conditions in OpenMP?

There are a few approaches we can take:

  • Critical construct: This restricts the code so that only one thread can do something at a time (in our example, only 1 thread can increment the counter at a time). It's used to specify a critical region which is another term for serial execution.
int main() {
#pragma omp parallel for
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
#pragma omp critical                                // Critical construct
    return 0;

This is unfortunatley not appropriate for some situations since it is bad for performance and destroys a lot of the speed-up we're trying to acheive in the first place.

  • Atomic construct: This is quite similar to the critical construct, however it only applies to memory read/write operations. It has a better performance than the critical construct by taking advantage of the hardware. There's no lock/unlock needed on entering/exiting the line of code, it just does the atomic operation which the hardware tells you can't be interfered with. Let's look at another example:

Run this program multiple times using multiple threads (before uncommenting the construct). Again, race condition!

#include <omp.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int total = 0;
int n = 100;
int nums[100];

int main() {
    // Populate nums
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        nums[i] = i;

#pragma omp parallel for
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        int temp = nums[i];
        We can easily resolve the race condition with atomic/critical construct.
        The atomic one will work perfectly and give better performance this time.
        Uncomment the construct below to resolve the race condition.
// #pragma omp atomic
        total += temp;
    printf("%d\n", total);
  • Reduction: Based on the problem, sometimes, the best solution will be to use reduction. Let's analyse what this code is doing:

Using reduction here results in significantly better performance.

  • A quick way to do some simple benchmarking is: time a-command
  • Conduct benchmarking for 3 versions, and trying in different number of threads


# Tuning the number of threads

# Change according to your file's name
time ./critical
time ./atomic
time ./reduction
#include <omp.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int total = 0;
int n = 100;
int nums[100];

int main() {
    // Populate nums
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        nums[i] = i;

#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:total) num_threads(3)
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        int temp = nums[i];
        total += temp;
    printf("Final total is: %d\n", total);

Notice that:

  • The previous two approaches only allow 1 thread at a time to perform some operations.
  • Reduction allows threads to access the same shared data at the same time, but in different parts of the data.

The nature of the word synchronisation in these two examples is completely different from each other, while still adhering to our initial definition!

Barrier Synchronisation

In the last sub-chapter, we have talked about the Fork - Join Model. We know that "Once the team of threads complete the parallel region, they synchronise and return to the pool, leaving only the master thread that executes serially.". However, there are a few important aspects that we have left out:

  • The time taken to finish the assigned task is different for each thread.
  • How can OpenMP know/identify when a thread has completed its own task.
  • How can OpenMP know/identify when all threads have finished all the tasks.

The answer lies in something called Barrier Synchronisation. Here are illustrations for the idea:

Barrier Illustration

Barrier Wait

Barrier End

Implicit Barriers

The barrier synchronisation implicitly (behind the scenes) occur at the end of constructs (regions of code) such as parallel constructs ("#pragma omp parallel") and the end of worksharing constructs(loop, sections, single, and workshare constructs).

#include <stdio.h>
#include <omp.h>

int main(void)
    #pragma omp parallel {
        // Parallel code
        printf("Thread %d is executing...\n", omp_get_thread_num());

    // Sequential code after the barrier
    printf("Main thread\n");
    return 0;

Barrier Construct

The barrier construct specifies an explicit (We add the construct into the code by ourselves) barrier at the point at which the construct appears. The barrier construct is a stand-alone directive. Here is an illustration of the following code.

Explicit Barrier

#include <stdio.h>
#include <omp.h>

int main(void)
    #pragma omp parallel
        printf("Thread %d executes part 1\n", omp_get_thread_num());
        #pragma omp barrier

        // No thread will execute part 2 before part 1
        printf("Thread %d executes part 2\n", omp_get_thread_num());
    return 0;

Let's think about a way to implement a barrier

We don't need to know exactly how OpenMP implemented this feature, at least not right now (if you are interested in OpenMP implementation, here could be a start). We can follow a rough simple approach:

  • Let's assume we have n threads.
  • We need a way to count how many threads that have finished, this can easily be done with a shared counter variable (be careful with race condition) among threads. When this counter reaches the number n, we will know that all threads have finished.
  • We also need a mechanism to make a finished thread idle and wait() for other threads to finish.
  • The last thread to finish has the responsibility of notify() other threads (threads that you want to be executed after the barrier).

Voila! we have a barrier.